Dear Member,
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force on 25th May 2018 and the EBU has advised all Clubs to take steps to comply with these. These regulations set out strict terms under which the Club can hold your personal data.
The Club’s Privacy Policy sets out the personal data which we hold, the reasons for holding it, the uses to which it is put, and the length of time for which it is held.
This policy is on the Club’s website (under the ‘Resources’ tab) and a copy is on the Notice Board. In short, the Club holds, on the Club website: your name, postal address, email, phone number, EBU membership number, and EBU ranking. The website also shows your historic playing results.
This website is part of the larger Bridgewebs network which manages websites for many bridge clubs; Bridgewebs is also covered by the GDPR and is contracting with the EBU to safeguard the data it holds.
Your results are stored on the open area of the website; the other information is stored on the Members’ Area. All of this information is available to be seen by various Committee members and is essential for the running of the Club.
All non-Committee members can access the Members’ area of the website using their own individual password, but all they can see there (under the ‘Members’ tab) is a list of members and their phone numbers. Email addresses are also accessible but only by clicking on a link which opens in a separate page, so general lists of email addresses cannot be ‘harvested’.
Each individual member can also review and restrict the wider data held about them personally in the Members’ area (under the ’Account’ tab) but this data is not available to other members. Please can members check that this information is up to date and accurate, and notify one of us if it is not.
Under the GDPR you now have to actively opt in for the Club to hold and use your personal details. It is not possible for the Club to operate without using these. So unless you give specific permission in response to this notice, we will have to delete your personal data from the records, and treat you as a visitor (unable to play in competitions) until the next AGM, when your membership would automatically lapse. Your personal results will continue to be visible on the open area of the website, as the results form an essential part of the history of the Club. They are also used for handicapping purposes for various handicap competitions.
Many of you will hold hard copies of old telephone lists – these are out-of-date and we recommend that members destroy these lists. Up to date contact information will be held in the Members’ Area and this is where changes will be updated in future.
If you have any questions about this issue please contact us or any other member of the Committee.
We will be sending round a response sheet at the next few bridge sessions, for members to sign to confirm that the Club can hold their personal data. We would be most grateful for your prompt response, so that we can ensure all members have responded by 25th May.
Thank you,
Steve Wright, Gail Tillen, Richard Rees – Data Protection Sub-Committee
10th April 2018